The Future of the United States and Europe - An Irreplaceable Partnership

Improving global governance
Apr 26, 2018 | Chatham House, Patricia Lewis, Jacob Parakilas, Marianne Schneider-Petsinger at al

As leaders of the world economy, the approach adopted by the US and the EU on issues of international trade and investment affects not only their own economic relationship, but the global economy. The Trump administration’s more protectionist message, willingness to depart from the previous administration’s stance on multilateral negotiations, and a hardline approach to trade disputes, has created uncertainty about the future of the transatlantic economy. However, in their article for Chatham House, Patricia Lewis, Jacob Parakilas, Marianne Schneider-Petsinger at al find scope for transatlantic cooperation in services, the digital economy and tackling unfair trade practices by other countries. They suggest that issues that bring the two sides together ultimately carry greater weight than those that may divide them.

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