Including the Excluded: Supporting Informal Workers for More Equal and Productive Cities in the Global South

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Jun 11, 2018 | World Resources Institute, Martha Chen, Victoria Beard,

Informal economic activities not only represent a livelihood strategy of the working poor; but constitute the broad base of the urban economy, supplying goods and services to the formal economy and contributing to urban economic growth. Yet they are largely excluded from public infrastructure and services, public space, and public procurement contracts. In this working paper by the World Resources Institute, Martha Chen and Victoria Beard focus on home-based workers, street vendors, and waste pickers as these represent a significant share of urban informal employment, and a larger share of urban informal self-employment. They discuss different approaches that cities have taken towards the informal self-employed workers and their livelihood activities, and highlight actionable areas for urban change agents to make cities more inclusive and productive.

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