Religious Discrimination and Religious Armed Conflict in sub-Saharan Africa: An Obvious Relationship?

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jan 17, 2019 | GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Matthias Basedau, Johanna Schaefer-Kehnert

Religious armed conflicts have been increasing in sub-Saharan Africa, but the effects of religious discrimination on violence have received too little attention. In this analysis for the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Matthias Basedau and Johanna Schaefer-Kehnert offer three insights: Religious discrimination has been increasing over the last 15 years but sub-Saharan Africa has a low level of discrimination; meanwhile there is a significant correlation between religious discrimination and armed conflict over religious content; and four country studies (the Comoros, the Gambia, Mali and Mauritania) suggest that discrimination is probably not a direct driver of religious conflicts. High levels of discrimination are embedded in problematic relations between state and religion and those on one or other side of religious cleavages become mobilised through transnational influences and geography.

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