Democracy in Retreat - Freedom in the World 2019

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Feb 07, 2019 | Freedom House,

Many countries that democratized after the end of the Cold War have regressed due to corruption, anti-liberal populist movements, and breakdowns in the rule of law. This has caused a crisis of confidence in societies, with many citizens expressing doubts that democracy still serves their interests. According to this report by Freedom House, of the 41 countries that were consistently ranked Free from 1985 to 2005, 22 have registered net score declines in the last five years. Even long-standing democracies have been shaken by populist political forces that reject the separation of powers and target minorities for discriminatory treatment. However, improvements in some countries - including Malaysia, Armenia, Ethiopia, Angola, and Ecuador - show that democracy is an effective means  of holding leaders accountable and creating the conditions for a better life.

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