Working for a Green and Social Deal that ends Poverty! EAPN Response to the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Feb 04, 2020 | European Antipoverty Network

Europe still has nearly 110 million people facing the risk of poverty and/or exclusion, marking a large shortfall from the poverty reduction target of Europe 2020. In this paper, the European Antipoverty Network warns that instability and social unrest is increasing as poorer areas and people feel ‘left behind’ and their needs ignored. It calls for a 10 year coherent, social and sustainable post 2020 strategy that incorporates the European Green Deal (EGD), the SDGs and European Pillar for Social Rights (EPSR), building on Europe 2020, including a new ambitious poverty reduction target. The strategy must promote progressive tax/ policies to help redistribute income and wealth, and provide finances for adequate social protection and services.

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