Energy Safety Nets: Using Social Assistance Mechanisms to close Affordability Gaps

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Feb 22, 2020 | SE4All, ODI, CAFOD,

Energy safety nets (ESNs) are government-led approaches to help the very poor and vulnerable to access essential modern energy services. They close the affordability gap between market prices and what poor consumers can pay for both connections and service delivery, ensuring that poor households and social groups are not left behind in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To address this, ODI, CAFOD and SE4All have developed research to inform best practices at the intersection of energy policy and social assistance in protecting very poor, vulnerable and marginalised people. This report by SE4All and the accompanying country case studies and policy-makers' guide, distil critical lessons from Kenya, Ghana, Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia and India, to identify innovative solutions. /> 

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