The Bio-revolution: Innovations Transforming Economies, Societies, and our Lives

Delivering sustainable economic growth
May 17, 2020 | McKinsey&Company, Michael Chui, Matthias Evers, James Manyika et al

The confluence of advances in biological sciences with the accelerating development of computing, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI), is fueling a new wave of innovation that will transform economies and societies. The global responses to the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus reflect recent advances in biological science. In this report for McKinsey&Company, Michael Chui, Matthias Evers, James Manyika et al suggest that some 60 percent of the physical inputs to the global economy could be produced biologically. But as these innovations come with profound risks, a serious debate is needed on how this innovation should proceed. The authors assess progress in these innovations, their potential for economic and societal impact, and the risks involved. and Medical Products/Our Insights/The Bio Revolution Innovations transforming economies societies and our lives/MGI-Bio-Revolution-Report-May-2020.ashx

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