A Disastrous Summer in the Arctic

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jul 01, 2020 | The New Yorker

Anthropogenic climate change is causing the Arctic to heat up twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Carolyn Kormann warns in her article for The New Yorker that the heat measured in the Arctic Circle in May 2020 stood at forty-six degrees Fahrenheit above normal, topping the previous record by twenty-four degrees. The resultant forest fires hastened the dissolution of Siberian permafrost, unleashing greenhouse gases and destabilising the land, with grave global implications. By 2050, weakened stability of the ground will affect at least a third of the infrastructure in the permafrost zone. By 2100, the Arctic could emit forty-one per cent more carbon than it does now, equaling the emissions from two hundred and sixty-six million cars, nearly as many as are currently on the road in the United States.

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