Mitigating Climate Change: Growth- and Distribution-friendly Strategies

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Oct 12, 2020 | IMF World Economic Outlook, A Long and Difficult Ascent,

Without a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the planet will reach temperatures with potentially catastrophic implications. This chapter from the IMF World Economic Outlook,  A Long and Difficult Ascent, suggests that a green investment push combined with steadily rising carbon prices would deliver the needed emission reductions with reasonable, transitional global output effects, putting the global economy on a stronger and more sustainable footing over the medium term. It takes stock of the mitigation policies implemented in a large sample of countries over the past 25 years, uses three macroeconomic models to examine the mitigation policies needed to get to net zero emissions by 2050, and examines their distributional effects by modeling their impact on household consumption and labour income.

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