Wanted! Free Trade Agreements in the Service of Environmental and Climate Protection

Delivering sustainable economic growth
Feb 15, 2021 | Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Julia Grübler, Roman Stöllinger, Gabriele Tond

The effects of international trade on the planet’s climate and environment are manifold and complex. This makes assessment of the impact of free trade agreements (FTAs) a delicate matter. In their research report for the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Julia Grübler, Roman Stöllinger and Gabriele Tond discuss the development of sustainability chapters in FTAs and their potential benefits and limitations. They contrast the estimated cost of increased CO2 emissions attributable to intensified trade, as an element of the ‘pains from trade’, with the estimated ‘gains from trade’ arising from lower prices for consumers. They discuss particular industry-specific environmental issues related to EU trade, especially with developing countries, and present complementary policy options.

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