Diversity, Equity and Inclusion have failed. How about Belonging, Dignity and Justice instead?

Sharing core norms and values
Feb 26, 2021 | World Economic Forum, Aida Mariam Davis

Over the past three decades, corporations, non-profits, foundations, and universities have relied on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) complex to create a diverse workplace in terms of race, ethnicity, and gender. Aida Mariam Davis argues in this article for the World Economic Forum that these efforts yielded little qualitative behavioural change or other desired changes in the workplace. She offers Belonging, Dignity and Justice (BDJ) as alternative values that reflect the voices and experiences of marginalized people. The journey to BDJ begins with an organization assessing the status quo and the ways in which it formally and informally promotes a climate of anti-Blackness, dehumanization and a need for assimilation. The key to BDJ is centering the most marginalised people and changing the understanding of expertise.

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