Advancing Youth-centred Digital Ecosystems in Africa in a Post-Covid-19 World

Delivering sustainable economic growth
Mar 24, 2021 | Overseas Development Institute, Melanie Pinet, Phiona Sanyu, Ariana Youn

This working paper by the Overseas Development Institute is based on an online global consultation in 2020, into young Africans’ use of digital technologies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Melanie Pinet, Phiona Sanyu and Ariana Youn argue that youth in Africa are subject to a double disadvantage: unequal or inadequate infrastructure and affordability. They suggest that digital-enabled interventions and programmes aimed to equip youth with 21st-century skills should consider designs grounded in creative and participatory approaches, be tailored to young people’s local contexts, reflect their lived experiences and aspirations, and go beyond short-term outcomes. Special attention should be paid to vulnerable groups including young women, young people with disabilities, youth migrants and their intersecting vulnerabilities and needs.

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