A Guide to Assessing the Political Economy of Domestic Climate Change Governance

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Apr 29, 2021 | World Resources Institute, Jesse Worker, Niki Palmer

According to an estimate by the UNDP, current policies would lead to a temperature increase of 3.4°C–3.7°C by 2100, driven largely by fossil fuel consumption in wealthier and rapidly developing economies, as well as deforestation and land-use change. Only a handful of countries have made policy commitments in line with the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. In this working paper of the World Resources Institute, Jesse Worker and Niki Palmer note that any assessment of climate governance - rules, structures, and capacities that shape the interaction between actors - must consider the political and economic interests, incentives, and relationships that motivate actions. Given the urgency of shifting emissions trajectories in the short term to reach long-term goals, climate advocates must build political power urgently.

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