Who Will Shape the New World Order?

Improving global governance
Jun 16, 2022 | Intereconomics, Karl Aiginger

The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have accelerated the reshaping of globalisation and the formation of a new world order. Europe has assumed a significant role in the Ukraine war, imposing sanctions on Russia and aiding Ukraine, which was previously not considered possible due to Europe’s smaller size and lack of internal consensus. In his article for Intereconomics, Karl Aiginger suggests that Europe’s new role is necessary, following the retreat of the U.S. from its position as the sole remaining superpower, and China’s focus on self-centered agendas, including a zero-COVID-19 strategy. Europe can play a much stronger role in the new world order, as it is already leading in terms of broader welfare measures, life expectancy, ecological sustainability and most of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, Europe must remain in search for potential new world partners and prioritise better cooperation among current and future members.
https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10272-022-1054-5.pdf /> 

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