For an authentic Arab Renaissance, scaling up the fragmented reforms of current revolutions

Delivering sustainable economic growth
May 11, 2012 | Seán Cleary, Executive Vice Chair, Future World Foundation

The 2011 revolts in Arab states from the Maghreb though the Levant to the Gulf, reflect the anger and frustration of ordinary people at their treatment by predatory and dysfunctional regimes and repressive security forces.
The revolts in Tunisia and Egypt displaced the rulers in short order, while the conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Libya still drag on, with high costs in lives and livelihoods. Some, like those in Morocco and Jordan, have led to political adjustments, but none has yet created the conditions that will allow Arab citizens to enjoy human dignity, social justice and the rule of law. Nor has any yet created a framework for inclusive economic growth, offering today’s youth – some two-thirds of the population, and rising – the chance of a better future.

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