Malevolent Soft Power, AI, and the Threat to Democracy

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Dec 08, 2018 | Brookings Institution , Elaine Kamarck

Artificial intelligence has made the tactics used by Russia in the 2016 U.S. election -spreading malicious content, creating intraparty rifts, and suppressing voter groups - more ubiquitous and effective. Elaine Kamarck explains in this report for the Brookings Institution what steps the U.S. government and people must take to defend themselves against this threat.  She warns that Russia seeks to destroy faith in democracy by making citizens in democratic countries doubt the electoral system, and by exacerbating social differences using malicious content. She warns that the new world of artificial intelligence (AI) may enable even more dangerous weapons. Brief&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=68058136

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