The Rise of Populism: A Threat to Civil Society?

Sharing core norms and values
Feb 19, 2020 | E-International Relations, Lucie Calléja

Populism can manifest in softer to more radical ways and on both the left-wing and the right-wing. It is often linked with nationalism, as in India, where it reveals authoritarian and discriminatory practices against individuals and harsh criticism of views considered anti-national. In the political literature on this topic, the Asian and African continents have been largely overlooked, although the diversity of culture, ethnicities, and history in these regions can add perspective to the study of populism. Lucie Calléja suggests in this article for E-International Relations that the Indian case shows that populism can constrain civil society and civil liberties, including freedom of religion. In its more radical forms, populism is a threat to liberal democracy. But it often emphasizes a more equal distribution of resources and the need for a more egalitarian society. Thus, populism must be understood as a multifaceted phenomenon as its forms and manifestations vary from place to place.

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