Employment Creation Potential, Labour Skills Requirements and Skill Gaps for Young People: A Methodological Framework

Delivering sustainable economic growth
Mar 29, 2020 | Brookings Institute, Haroon Bhorat, Caitlin Allen et al

This paper by the Africa Growth Initiative at Brookings presents a methodological framework for assessing the extent to which youth unemployment can be addressed through employment creation in industries without smokestacks, and the skill gaps in the youth population in each country that must be addressed to achieve this. Haroon Bhorat, Caitlin Allen et al estimate skill demand; and identify skill gaps in the target population. On the labour demand side, the paper models the skills required for a sector to reach its employment potential. On the supply side, it aims to establish if the skills needed to meet the demand in the sector exist in the population; and, if not, to identify the gaps?

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