The Future is not What it Used to Be: Thoughts on the Shape of the Next Normal

Improving global governance
Apr 19, 2020 | Mckinsey&Company, Kevin Sneader, Shubham Singhal

Nurturing a post-COVID-19 normal will be a long-term test of all global and local, public and private institutions. Kevin Sneader and Shubham Singhal argue in their article for Mckinsey&Company that it will be critical to reconstruct for the future and not solve for the problems of the past. One possible next normal could be that decisions made during and after the crisis lead to less prosperity, slower growth, widening inequality, bloated government bureaucracies, and rigid borders. Or it could be that the decisions lead to a burst of innovation and productivity, more resilient industries, smarter government, and a reconnected world. Neither is inevitable, and the outcome is more likely to be a mix. Insights/Leadership/The future is not what it used to be Thoughts on the shape of the next normal/The-future-is-not-what-it-used-to-be.ashx

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