Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: A Promising but Uncertain Future

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jan 09, 2021 | Elcano Royal Institute, Matteo Bonfanti

Artificial intelligence (AI) involves using digital systems to perform tasks that are thought to require a measure of rationality or intelligence when performed by humans. As an enabling technology across many different domains, it is deployed in cyber information and influence operations while boosting information-gathering and target surveillance. In this paper for the Elcano Royal Institute, Matteo Bonfanti discusses the challenges and opportunities of AI-based solutions for cyber-defensive and offensive objectives, and cyber counter-intelligence and -influence operations. He concludes that a government can promote positive and inclusive AI governance of AI by operationalizing high-level principles of the sort adopted by the EU and the OECD for trustworthy AI.;CACHEID=5

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