The Future? International Climate Policy in 2021- New Constellations for the EU’s Climate Diplomacy

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Feb 26, 2021 | German Institute for International and Security Studies, Susanne Dröge, Tessa-Sophie Schrader

For four years Europe, drove international cli­mate policy as one of the most important multilateral issues almost on its own, albeit with only slug­gish progress. In their paper for the German Institute for International and Security Studies, Susanne Dröge and Tessa-Sophie Schrader discuss the positions of major climate policy powers - the EU, the US and China - in early 2021, and examine what momentum can be expected in international negotiations. Since these three powers are also competitors, the EU and its member states will have to strengthen multilateral cooperation to achieve the Paris Agreement targets, formulate clear expectations, and ensure that all actors engage on equal terms. Obvious areas for cooperation between the EU and the US are a joint diplomatic approach to COP26, and rec­on­ciling climate and trade policy.

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