My Late Father Was a Great Teacher. He Wouldn’t Last a Week in the Modern Classroom

Sharing core norms and values
Oct 21, 2021 | Quillette, Jeremy Adams

Reminiscing about his late father, a teacher all his adult life, Jeremy Adams notes in his article for Quillette that he would probably be appalled to learn that the Socratic method is out of step with a generation of young people who believe that feelings - not facts, evidence, or knowledge - are sovereign. Challenging a young person to defend the material they devour on TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter - and doing so in front of the entire class would challenge the elder Mr Adams. His entire teaching career stands today as a totem juxtaposed to the central educational fiction of our time - chiefly, that teacher compassion requires an endless softening of standards, letting things slide, or donning the “chic accoutrements” that attribute all poor behavior or subpar performance to “structural realities” or “systemic oppression.”

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