Peace and Security 2025 - Disrupted Visions and Resilient Approaches

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Aug 26, 2022 | Geneva Centre for Security Policy

Russia's war against Ukraine calls into question basic assumptions of German and European policy towards Russia and Eastern Europe. It is proving to be a catalyst for a reorientation of the European security order and European energy policy. In this dossier by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, various authors look ahead to 2025, and discuss what can be done differently to overcome the challenges of the next few years and beyond. The second part of the publication presents ideas on how to respond effectively to the peace and security environment envisioned in 2025 across three sub-themes: leadership, foresight and governance. The authors suggest that the future will not simply happen but may be shaped by striving to fulfil a vision, provided that specific decisions are taken, and appropriate efforts are made today.*qd4muq*_ga*MTE1Njk3NTM1My4xNjYxMjcwMDY5*_ga_Z66DSTVXTJ*MTY2MTI3MDA2OS4xLjEuMTY2MTI3MDExNS4wLjAuMA..

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